DONATE TO a good cause
‘Beyond Blue’
Having faced adversity a number of times throughout his life so far - Alex has had to deal with some tough challenges which he continues to overcome, but not without struggle and times of despair. Finding it quite normal to ride the emotional roller-coaster which is every-day living, Alex through is proudly supporting beyondblue and helping to raise more awareness and understanding of anxiety, depression and suicide.
Many of us have been affected by anxiety and depression, either personally or through family, friends or colleagues. Right now, over 1 million Australian adults have depression and 2 million are experiencing anxiety. On average, 8 people take their lives every day in Australia. beyondblue’s vision is for all people in Australia to achieve their best possible mental health.
By registering to raise funds and support a great cause - Alex wants to help improve the lives of people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide as beyondblue is working to reduce stigma, tackle discrimination and encourage people to take care of their mental health and empower them to seek support when needed.
To help support and create greater awareness around anxiety, depression and suicide please click on the link provided which will bring you to an online fundraising page that Alex has created to raise funds. Every bit counts so any and every donation will be greatly appreciated. Link:
beyondblue Hope. Recovery. Resilience.
WHAT happened july 2020
After a slight change of plans due to COVID restrictions, I went about completing a 31km Run (relatively locally) to signify a few things:
*31 days of consecutive running where I teamed up with @beyondblueofficial to help raise funds and awareness towards anxiety, depression and suicide.
*31 days I was sober as I took part in @dryjuly and signed up to their campaign to help raise funds for those affected by cancer.
Over the past month I hoped to promote healthier habits in more ways than one both physically and mentally.
Although the fundraising challenges had personal goals.. the main reason was to obviously raise funds and awareness for these two great foundations. And for that I would like to thank everyone who contributed and donated to these important causes. I really appreciated the support along the way; every bit counts!
- Over $3100 raised across the two campaigns (with 4TITUDE Finance matching all donations).
- More than 245kms covered over the challenge (avg. approx 60kms a week)
- 7kgs+ lost during the month as well.
Looking forward to a well deserved beer (at home) later today. Cheers!
#4TITUDE #CreateYouOwnLuck